Well, its Labor Day weekend. a nice 3 day weekend, but it is a reminder that summer is over.. Summer 2008 is over. It was a wet one. Crazy rain all summer. We did have some fun too.
We should be buying our minivan this weekend and on Sunday, their are a few people getting baptized after church. That is always exciting, so this weekend should be a good one.
Next Sunday, I will be preaching at my church. I will be sharing about evangelism and try to help people not freak out when they hear that word. Hopefully it will be good. we will see.
So, have a great weekend.. ahh, 3 day weekend. Enjoy it. have that last hoorah of summer. Get to a county fair, get out and do something fun and get to church on Sunday. Get out and celebrate the Lord.
a TGIF video to get you ready for your Sunday service
Be good and God bless
Friday, August 29, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
the campout...
di was away on women's retreat, so me and the girls had a little campout in the backyard.. i set up the tent next to the pool and right beside the shed, so i could have an outlet nearby. We had a blast. we stayed up eating klondike bars and playing board games inside the tent. I lost both Candyland and Life.. Corrina won at Candyland like she always does. I think she has won 500 straight games of Candyland.. i was denied my victory by being sent back to Grandma Nutt!!! bah.. And then Cassidy beat us at Life.. so, old Tony went 0 for 2 Friday night.. Next, some stories and then off to bed under the stars with some Tiki music playing softly. ahhhh.

Next morning with the sunrise came Poptarts in the tent.. yippee!!! Good stuff.
Have a great week everyone.
God bless
Next morning with the sunrise came Poptarts in the tent.. yippee!!! Good stuff.
Have a great week everyone.
God bless
Friday, August 22, 2008
a TGIF video and more...
Well, its Friday.. yippee.. the weekend! what a great week. The weather has been great past few days and it looks like it will carry thru the weekend. the wife goes on women's retreat tonight into tomorrow down to Newport, RI. I hope all the ladies have a great time doing the cliff walk and the mansions and shopping and hopefully a little spiritual refreshment as well. Retreat is great! Have fun.
I am thinking of doing a backyard campout tonight with the girls. I will see how game they are. we will light a camp fire and maybe take a midnight dip if its not too cold and then crash in the tent. should be fun. gotta do something special with mom away.
We had a great rehearsal tuesday night and we worked up some new songs for Sunday. Can't wait. should be a great service.
well, here is your TGIF video for the week. This is what music means to me. Pure joy. watching the people dance and just enjoying the music. It is not technically the greatest music ever played, but the people around are connecting with it and enjoying it and just expressing themselves. No fear. We need less fear in our lives. we are only on this planet for so long and then you go either way.. up or down.. hopefully you are all headed up! So, enjoy this video like the guy dancing around...
God is great!
God bless and get out to church this weekend. Remember, church should never be boring or dull.. you should feel like the guy in the video.. get out and make that joyful noise!
I am thinking of doing a backyard campout tonight with the girls. I will see how game they are. we will light a camp fire and maybe take a midnight dip if its not too cold and then crash in the tent. should be fun. gotta do something special with mom away.
We had a great rehearsal tuesday night and we worked up some new songs for Sunday. Can't wait. should be a great service.
well, here is your TGIF video for the week. This is what music means to me. Pure joy. watching the people dance and just enjoying the music. It is not technically the greatest music ever played, but the people around are connecting with it and enjoying it and just expressing themselves. No fear. We need less fear in our lives. we are only on this planet for so long and then you go either way.. up or down.. hopefully you are all headed up! So, enjoy this video like the guy dancing around...
God is great!
God bless and get out to church this weekend. Remember, church should never be boring or dull.. you should feel like the guy in the video.. get out and make that joyful noise!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
here we are....
Here we are at the start of another week. I must say that it has been a real blessing being able to work from home 2 days a week. I am working from home every Monday and Thursday. It is mint!
Saturday was my company's cookout. It was an A+ spread as usual. The girls had a blast.
then on Sunday after church, me and a couple other guys from church went out and handed out free sodas and some information about our church in Southbridge. It was a success in my book. We had fun and we were able to outreach to the community and the people that we talked to were really awesome. We got to pray with some of them. It was just an awesome experience and we need to do more of it. The community needs to hear about Jesus and we need to go out and tell them. We need to show them that Jesus loves them by our actions. Hopefully we will see some fruit from it, but we need to remember that we are just being obedient to what God has said and that is to GO and tell the nations about Jesus! There is only one thing that we can do on earth taht we will not be able to do in heaven and that is share the gospel, the good news about Jesus with other people. So, why are we here.. hmm, maybe to tell otehrs about Jesus.. to obedient to God and tell others. So, if you really are a believer.. tell somebody about Jesus.
Just good stuff.. Good weekend!
Now, it looks like the weather is going to be really nice so hopefully you can get out and enjoy. Summer is almost over.. make the most of it.
God bless and take care
Life is Good
Friday, August 15, 2008
TGIF Video Vol. ??
Howdy all.. its FRIDAY!!! weekend is almost here. yippee. Tomorrow is my work cookout... lobsters and steamers and burgers and prizes for the girls, carnival rides.. should be A+ good.
here is your video for the day.. patty with Del and the boys.. working for the LORD!
have a great weekend
God bless
here is your video for the day.. patty with Del and the boys.. working for the LORD!
have a great weekend
God bless
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
oh man.. i have been digging the olympics and last night was girls gymnastics final and 2 more phelps races. but, why do they put the olympics on at 8 pm.. gymnastics ended close to midnight. i know they are editing and delaying stuff, so put it on so kids can watch and so i don't have to stay up until midnight. jeez.
the girls got silver and that is pretty good considering 2 girls went down with injuries. Phelps is freakin Aquaman. just amazing. he wins by entire body lengths. he is out of the water and watching the other swimmers come in. truly a gifted athlete. zzzzzzzzzzz, what..
ok, back to nap time.. i mean work. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
some cool things ahappenin'
howdy everyone. I seem to only get to one blog a week now, but thats better then none.
well, its been raining and raining.. atleast Saturday was nice and we got to the ocean with some family and friends. it was a wonderful day..
me and di led our first marriage workshop last week and it was wonderful. people opened up and shared and discussed stuff and we had some fun too. God wants us to have wonderful healthy marriages. he created marriage, its His idea. So He wants it to succeed. We are the ones that mess it up. hahahaha. Tomorrow is our second workshop and the topic is communication. men from mars or something and women from venus, well, God never said that. we should be able to communicate with our mates. My tip here is that wives need to tell husbands everything and spell it out. We are not that bright. we need you tell us exactly what we need to do, what is expected and what you want. Then things can run alot smoother on both sides. so, this should be informative and fun.
On Sunday, the worship band played one of my original compositions. i was a little anxious about it. hoping that people would catch on to the words quickly and that they would be able to sing along and participate and it seemed to go really well. i guess i should write more. It was cool and fun to play something i wrote. I think that if I can focus on areas that our congregation struggles with that I can write songs specifically for the needs of the church. God is also a great co-author. Great stuff happening.
also, this coming Sunday, the men's group is going to hit the streets and pass out free cans of soda. Hopefully we will meet some people that need to know Jesus while we are reaching out to the community. Should be exciting and fun.
yes, another busy week...
more will be revealed
In Him
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
me and di's marriage course...
Tonight, me and di start our 4 week class on marriage. We will be leading about 6 couples. It will be Bible based and it will be fun. Looking forward to the discussion part of the night. I will be heading up the husband's discussion. Should be good. Tonight is the role of a husband and a wife.
I know God will bless this night and make our church's marriages stronger!
If people want to put in the effort, God will bless that effort.
have a good one
Friday, August 1, 2008
TGIF Video Vol. 7
Well, i am on a huge banjo kick again... so.. here's some insane fast bluegrass for ya to kick start the weekend. The first Red Sox weekend in a long time without Manny.. adios Manny, have fun in LA.
be good
be good
Just wanted to check in...
I am still alive and well. Very busy week.. girls off at camp, re-arranging some rooms of the house.. just tons of stuff. At work, i had a deadline that i met last night, so that is all set now. Church stuff, always busy... tonight is our Prayer and Praise meeting, so i had to get the music all together for that and on Sunday , we have our men's breakfast where i am giving a talk about accountability and accountability partners. All that is ready to go. So, now, i can take a deep breath and chill for 5 minutes. tomorrow we have a family cookout which will be fun and i will be able to just relax, play some volleyball, eat some food and cruise around dianna's cousin's lake on his boat. life is good, but just hectic and crazy sometimes..
enjoy the weekend and hopefully you can get out to your neighborhood church and enjoy some fellowship with other Christ followers and just worship the Lord because HE IS WORTHY!
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