Cock a doodle doo.. monday morning.. rise and shine!!!!
Wow!!!! well, first the setlist from yesterday
History Maker
Blessed Be Your Name
Your Love Oh Lord
How Great is Your Name
Victory in Jesus
Great and Mighty is He
and for the altar call, Jesus All for Jesus
History Maker
Blessed Be Your Name
Your Love Oh Lord
How Great is Your Name
Victory in Jesus
Great and Mighty is He
and for the altar call, Jesus All for Jesus
very powerful time of worship. I felt led to call the congregation forward to worship together in the front of the sanctuary. Since I always keep my eyes closed, I didn't see it, but I felt it. A bunch of people came down and held hands and waved flags and really had a wonderful time of worship. Gettin' unified. good stuff. had some technical gremlins during the pre service rehearsal. nothing a changed chord and a new battery in my equalizer pedal didn't cure. The key was I didn't let it ruffle my feathers.
Last night I practiced my guitar for little over an hour. It was great. Trying to work up some new songs and just connecting with my guitar. I really want to dig in more with my guitar. really practice and work on stuff. The worship band is really sounding great and I know I have to keep up on my game. I need to get practicing. It was easier when it was just me strumming my acoustic guitar, but now with drums and keyboards and bass, I need to be on my A game all the time. its great. I need to write some songs tho. I feel like I have stuff I want to say, just need to get to it. My wife is trying to watch less TV. I will try and encourage her by staying away from the TV as well (until right before bed) and I will take that time to play my guitars and hopefully write some songs. well, that was a good monday morning ramble. ahh, i need my oatmeal.
May God bless you all with a great week
In Him
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