So, on
wednesday nights, I help lead the Alpha course at my church.. its like Christianity 101.. its just wonderful. In this session, we have 2 ladies and last night 1 of the ladies accepted Jesus as her personal savior. It was amazing.. God is so good! This lady had grown up with lots of different misconceptions of how you really get into heaven. All we need to do is to know we are sinners and that we can never be good enough to get into heaven on our own, so we need to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and that his dying on the cross paid our price for all the sins we have ever done and are going to do. Jesus allows us to be seen as perfect in God's eyes since he took all of our sins on that cross with him and paid our penalty for us. Truly amazing and wonderful. that is why Gospel translates to GOOD NEWS. Its a free gift for everyone as long as they put their trust and faith in Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the Life.. he is the only way to heaven. If you have never accepted Jesus, please pray about it and ask God to show you the truth. God wants none of us to perish, he is LOVE, but since he is also a just God, we must be punished for our sins, but we as Christians have Jesus to thank for paying our price, paying off our debt for our sins on that cross. Jesus is just amazing.
This lady will now begin her new journey as a Christ follower and will now reap all the blessings and rewards that God wants to give us. Amen!!!!
Life is good and God is good
all the time!
God bless you all
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