Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday Service (April 20) and stuff...

Yesterdays service was amazing. I thought the music was fun to play and I hope the people in the seats were able to enter into a personal time of worship. Our setlist was

Praise Adonai
Shout to the North
By My Spirit
Let the River Flow
Trading my Sorrows
and for the altar call we played
Refiner's Fire

The most amazing and special thing about yesterday was that a good friend of mine that I invited on Easter came back to church yesterday. We didn't have a huge crowd yesterday, but seeing him walk thru the door was just so awesome.

My pastor preached on the Holy Spirit and it was just an awesome message. So, church was just great. After church, we went and played tennis with some people from church. Good times there since we are all not very good. Watching my 210 lbs rumble around a tennis court must be a site to behold. Then since we all did our physical activity for the day, we all decided on ice cream.. makes sense. The 2 lbs i lost by sweating all over the courts were gained back by way of my chocolate peanut butter cone with jimmies! win some and lose some. hahahaha. Then we went over the youth pastors house where we watched a movie with him and his wife.. All in all a great day. Now back to work geeking on the computer. Its Boston Marathon day here. So traffic was light on my commute. May God protect all the runners and keep them safe.

Celtics won
Red Sox won
Bruins are heading into game 7 tonight to advance..

man.. Life is good!

Life is good!
Life is God!


1 comment:

March2theSea said...

did anyone tape the set? hahahaha..i need a lower generation.